illustration of vin from mistborn, at a ball

Vin is a survivor. She is resourceful and smart, overcoming beatings on the street to become a valued member of a thieving crew. Vin is a fighter, no matter if she’s stealing from the rich or dancing among them. There were a lot of things I love, love, loved about Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn: The Final Empire, the first inContinue reading “illustration of vin from mistborn, at a ball”

the magician’s land and a good meal

The Magician’s Land (Kindle here) is the final book in Lev Grossman’s trilogy that follows Quentin Coldwater and his friends as they first learn magic, and then learn that magic alone isn’t enough. This fantasy series has magical spells, beasts, and worlds, but what Quentin’s friends must really face is reality. It can be dark, butContinue reading “the magician’s land and a good meal”