izabel from saga (embroidery no. 16)

I feel like I come late to the game to a lot of things. I just discovered Sandman–only 15 years after the first one came out. I am furiously trying to catch up on the Good Wife, which just started season 5. Last year I got really into Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, and theContinue reading “izabel from saga (embroidery no. 16)”

i am the one who knocks (embroidery no. 15)

Well, guys. Today’s the day. The series finale of Breaking Bad. Today we’ll say goodbye–and good riddance–to The One Who Knocks. (See an embroidered version of him here.) I have never enjoyed a TV show more than Breaking Bad, but my emotions can’t take any more of this. These last few episodes have been nonstopContinue reading “i am the one who knocks (embroidery no. 15)”

embroidery display update

I have finally added my latest embroideries to my embroidery display! I am slowly but steadily filling the space above my bed. I love having them in my home–I love any handmade item in my home. I think it adds originality and personality, and I’m of course also proud that I made them myself. I’mContinue reading “embroidery display update”

God bless you, but… (embroidery no. 12)

When a dome falls over your entire town, cutting you off from the rest of the world, things can get a little stressful. One of my favorite parts of the book (and show!) was watching how people handled that stress–whether it was admirable or terrifying. This embroidery is from Under the Dome and, well, hasContinue reading “God bless you, but… (embroidery no. 12)”

chapter 19 (embroidery no. 10)

I did something a little different for today’s embroidery. For those of us who grew up with Harry Potter, a charming part of those books were the illustrations in the American version at the top of each chapter. I had a small embroidery hoop lying around that was really the perfect size to fit theContinue reading “chapter 19 (embroidery no. 10)”

i carry your heart with me (embroidery no. 9 and happy mother’s day)

This one is for my mom. Most of you are familiar with this E. E. Cummings love poem, but I believe this particular line can speak to many kinds of love. I don’t live near my mom. My parents are in Atlanta where today I believe they are going on a motorcycle ride in theContinue reading “i carry your heart with me (embroidery no. 9 and happy mother’s day)”

this weekend

No new embroidery this week, but I did update the display! My mom is in town visiting and the week was full of errand running and getting ready, and now that she’s here it’s full of fun. We are working on my apartment in between running around the city. I got some fabric to makeContinue reading “this weekend”

oodles of charm (embroidery no. 6)

I can have oodles of charm when I want to. This quote is also from Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. I love his writing because there’s a darkness and a kind of rambling that has these brilliant quips and nuggets of truths.

embroidery display

No new embroidery this week–instead I got everything I have already done ready to put on the wall above my bed. A few weeks ago I was struggling with what to do above my bed, and I think this might be my new solution. To get the hoops ready, I first had to paint them.Continue reading “embroidery display”