What I learned from Ella Enchanted

Ella Enchanted was my favorite book when I was 12, is my favorite book right now, and might be my favorite book forever. As a lover of fairy tales, balls, and evening gowns, every version of Cinderella was a treat, but this one felt like it was made just for me. Because in this version,Continue reading “What I learned from Ella Enchanted”

my favorite pop culture pastime: shipping

I ship Oliver and Felicity, and Elizabeth and Philip. I ship Alicia Florrick with everyone, but especially Finn Polmar. I yell “make out!” at the TV so often, it’s become a constant refrain in my apartment. In TV land I am ruthless. I want everyone to cheat on everyone, unless you’re a couple I thinkContinue reading “my favorite pop culture pastime: shipping”