Earlier this year, I read Jeff VanderMeer’s creepy and haunting Annihilation, about an expedition into a terrifying and mysterious wilderness known as Area X. Authority (kindle here) continues the story, but from the perspective of Control, a government official recently transferred to clean up the mess at the Southern Reach after the expedition in Annihilation. ControlContinue reading “authority (embroidery no. 22)”
Category Archives: embroidery
annihilation (embroidery no. 21)
I know we just had St. Patrick’s day, but in my house, it might as well be Halloween. Everything I watch or read lately has been super creepy, and Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (Kindle here) is near the top of the creepy list. Annihilation is the diary of a woman, known only as the biologist, as sheContinue reading “annihilation (embroidery no. 21)”
S. (embroidery no. 20)
Jen and Eric of S. have no problem writing in the margins–this is one of the only things I’m certain of after reading S., J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s mysterious book. S. tells many stories, within the text, in the margins, and on the web. Jen, a senior undergrad, finds the book the Ship ofContinue reading “S. (embroidery no. 20)”
beyonce (embroidery nos. 18-19)
Going to the Beyonce concert this year with my friend Laura was one of the best things that ever happened to me–no lie. We love Bey (but who doesn’t?), and it was so fun to see her sing. So as a gift for Laura before she moved into her new apartment, I stitched some BeyonceContinue reading “beyonce (embroidery nos. 18-19)”
goldie the gargoyle (embroidery no. 17)
It kills me when adorable things show up in comic books. Here I am, reading about a nightmare/King of Dreams/contract killers/reimagined biblical characters and WHAM, something cute drops in the frame. I’ve been reading through The Sandman–the first issue is just a little younger than I am–and though it took me 25 years to catchContinue reading “goldie the gargoyle (embroidery no. 17)”
yarn cross-stitch pillow
I have really enjoyed sewing pillow cases for the pillows on my couch. I like picking out the fabric, and I like that they are personal to me. Plus, sewing smallish pillow cases is a generally quick project with a large payoff. This particular pillow project, though, I’ve been sitting on since I saw thisContinue reading “yarn cross-stitch pillow”
izabel from saga (embroidery no. 16)
I feel like I come late to the game to a lot of things. I just discovered Sandman–only 15 years after the first one came out. I am furiously trying to catch up on the Good Wife, which just started season 5. Last year I got really into Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, and theContinue reading “izabel from saga (embroidery no. 16)”
i am the one who knocks (embroidery no. 15)
Well, guys. Today’s the day. The series finale of Breaking Bad. Today we’ll say goodbye–and good riddance–to The One Who Knocks. (See an embroidered version of him here.) I have never enjoyed a TV show more than Breaking Bad, but my emotions can’t take any more of this. These last few episodes have been nonstopContinue reading “i am the one who knocks (embroidery no. 15)”
wedding present: embroidered hand towels
I spent a while looking for some cute hand towels for a wedding present for my friend Jewels who loves to cook. And then I remembered that I like embroidering things. So I got some white hand towels and got to embroidering. I made three in different colors, so they can mix and match withContinue reading “wedding present: embroidered hand towels”
embroidery display update
I have finally added my latest embroideries to my embroidery display! I am slowly but steadily filling the space above my bed. I love having them in my home–I love any handmade item in my home. I think it adds originality and personality, and I’m of course also proud that I made them myself. I’mContinue reading “embroidery display update”