vin from mistborn, in her mistborn cloak

Vin from Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy is a great leading lady to start off my year of leading ladies (one of my New Year’s resolutions was to read more books by and starring women). Sanderson uses clothing to distinguish his characters and their emotional states–which is pretty much how clothing works in real life, too.Continue reading “vin from mistborn, in her mistborn cloak”

mistborn book two: vin’s biggest challenge may be dresses, not armies

At first glance, it look like a fairy tale. Vin has fallen in love with the young king of Luthadel, Elend Venture. She caught his eye at a ball, where she was hiding her poor upbringing. Her dresses were beautiful, and Vin danced with a grace few could master. And now Elend has proposed, soContinue reading “mistborn book two: vin’s biggest challenge may be dresses, not armies”

illustration of vin from mistborn, at a ball

Vin is a survivor. She is resourceful and smart, overcoming beatings on the street to become a valued member of a thieving crew. Vin is a fighter, no matter if she’s stealing from the rich or dancing among them. There were a lot of things I love, love, loved about Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn: The Final Empire, the first inContinue reading “illustration of vin from mistborn, at a ball”