Twin Peaks pilot sets the tone (Twin Peaks review, s01e01)

Take a deep breath and think of a nice calm river in the mountains, of machines softly whirring as they do their job exactly as they should, and of evergreen trees so big and full it looks like Christmas. Welcome to Twin Peaks, manufacturer of American dreams. These images are the soothing pictures that openContinue reading “Twin Peaks pilot sets the tone (Twin Peaks review, s01e01)”

illustration of characters from twin peaks

My final fashion illustration class was this week, and we displayed our final projects. We had to create five different figures, and I based mine off of Twin Peaks. (I’ve talked a little bit before about the great costumes in that show.) It is visually stunning, and using it as inspiration for my drawings allowed meContinue reading “illustration of characters from twin peaks”

twin peaks

Have you seen Twin Peaks? I’m obsessed. I started watching it over the weekend, and eight episodes later I came up for air. The show follows the investigation of the death of Laura Palmer in the town of Twin Peaks, Wash. It’s super strange and super quirky and super gorgeous. The set and costume designContinue reading “twin peaks”