my small cool space 2014

As I did last year and in 2011, I entered Apartment Therapy’s Small Cool Spaces Contest. I think I’ve stepped up my game this year, and I’m so glad it’s ready to show off. If you have a minute, step over to the contest page and vote for me! (You know, if you feel likeContinue reading “my small cool space 2014”

apartment ideas

Moving plans are trucking along. I have juuust barely started packing and I’ve gotten rid of some things I don’t want to move. But mostly I’ve daydreamed about what to do in my new space. I mean, moving is a drag, right? It’s a big pain and expensive and stressful. But decorating is fun, andContinue reading “apartment ideas”

design question

I need help. (I mean, it’s not that serious, it’s a decorating problem, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.) I’ve been obsessed with getting my apartment as close to finished as possible, and I’m a little stuck with the wall in my bedroom. Ideally, I’d love to hang an elaborately framed mirrorContinue reading “design question”