
Hello! A super cute idea came across my Twitter feed the other day. Check out this picture of ribbon as bow tie, via Teen Vogue. So, I appropriated this idea for my Halloween outfit. Let’s be real, I wear a lot of black and you know I love orange, so I probably would have wornContinue reading “ribbons”

Happy Halloween! I dressed up for the occasion—just not in a costume. See where I got the inspiration and how I took this look out of the office tomorrow. In the meantime, hope you are doing something fun to celebrate!


Sometimes, you have no motivation for getting dressed. For me, on these days, when you’re running late, and you can’t find the sweater you wanted to wear or you spilled coffee on the first outfit you put on, I’ve created a formula. Go basic, then add some fun. For example. Nothing more basic than blackContinue reading “unmotivation”

a dress

Simple. Easy to wear. Don’t have to worry about finding a shirt to go with it. All of these are reasons why dresses are great. And, depending on what you wear with it, a basic dress can be good for every (ok, not every) situation. Like at work… At work, I kept it simple, andContinue reading “a dress”