
The past week has been crazy you guys, just crazy. I’ll fill errybody in as soon as I can catch my breath, but in the meantime check out a few things I’ve been up to (in no particular order).

Sometimes water is cool. I also got to see the amazing Fug Girls talk about their new book. This is their first book, with matching nail polish (Essie’s Pink Flamenco). I went to the beach and walked through Coney Island, where rollercoasters are a-plenty. There was also a jetty in the water and magazine beach reading. I read On Writing and loved it–I’ll try to talk about it on here soon. I played with wavy hair, and I played with #fatcat who looks none too pleased with me here. I got some delicious cookies from Oven Lovin! And I got to see a really fun minor league baseball game on Staten Island.

(find me on instagram at raenudson)